Exploring the Significance of the Top of the Key in Basketball

A young man stands on the top of the key on an outdoor basketball court

If you are a sports fan, you know each sport has its own lingo. These words and phrases make it easy to understand the game better, from the position of each player on the court to penalties and violations.

One phrase used in basketball is the top of the key. The top of the key refers to a location on the court near the free-throw line. It is a location where players want to be to get a good shot.

So, what exactly is the top of the key, where is it located, and how is it significant to the game? Let’s take a closer look.

What Is the Top of the Key in Basketball?

White lines on a wooden basketball court, including the free throw line and top of the key

The top of the key in basketball is above the free-throw line on the court. It is the arch’s highest point on the free-throw circle and underneath the net. All half-court and possession pickups start at the key.

You will see the free-throw area on both sides of the court, and it is typically painted in a different color than the other lines, making it easier to locate. This is why most people today refer to it as “the paint.”

This location is a great spot to build points in the game, but it can also lead to violations and penalties when players are not careful and mindful of how much time they spend there.

The Top of the Key Size

Location and size are important when talking about the top of the key. We know the space is right underneath the net, but how big is it? Well, it depends on the basketball court dimensions, which vary between the NBA, college basketball, and high school or youth basketball.

The size and shape determine how difficult the shots are, and it varies depending on the league. However, all of them are rectangular, with the top of the key at the highest point on the arch.

  • NBA/WNBA: 16 feet width by 19 feet length
  • NCAA: 12 feet width by 15 feet length
  • FIBA: 16.08 feet width by 15 feet length

The free throw line size:

  • Length of the Free Throw Line: 15 ft (4.6 m) away from the baseline
  • Circle Radius of the Free Throw:  6 ft (1.8 m)
  • Free Throw Line Width: NBA- 19 feet, College and high school- 12 feet

The Significance of the Top of the Key in Basketball

A young girl prepares to take a shot from the top of the key

The top of the key is not just a painted box on the floor of a basketball court. It is looked at for various reasons during each game.

You will find that the top of the key has many benefits for defense and offense and some drawbacks.

Advantage: Point Accumulation

You can accumulate points if you make a basket from the top of the key. Various shots are possible when standing in this space.

If you make the shot, you can earn two points shooting from here.

Advantage: Offensive Start

Many offensive plays will start at the top of the key. This area is in the center of the court, making it a balanced location for starting the play. Balancing the court is a term used when there are equal numbers of players on both sides, allowing for a fair and smooth start to the game.

It is common to see a team start their play in this location and move the ball forward from here.

Advantage: Easier Entry

Entry passes are much easier from the top of the court because of the space provided in that specific location. A teammate can post up near the basketball hoop, then easily catch an entry pass, making scoring easier.

Disadvantages: Less Successful

Statistically, top-of-the-key shots are less successful than others because of the small space; it can be a complicated position to take. Whereas a shot like a three-pointer is closer to the net and provides a better angle, plus it gets you one more point.

Stats show that since the three-point corner came around, fewer shots have been taken from the top of the key, especially on an NBA court.

Disadvantage: 3-Second Violations

Another drawback to the top of the key is that players often find themselves inside the “paint” when playing this location; this can lead to a three-second violation.

The three-second violation occurs when an offensive or defensive player stands inside the box for more than three seconds with or without the ball.

When this happens, the opposing team is given possession of the ball and has the opportunity to score by shooting from the free-throw line.

Taking a Free Throw Shot From the Top of the Key

Players can take a free throw shot from the top of the key. When shooting from this location, the player is not allowed to have their feet move past the foul line before the shot is taken.

If the shot is successful, the team gets two points. However, if the shooter gets fouled yet is still successful, an additional shot is taken from the free-throw line, allowing the team to score three points in total.

In all, it makes more sense to shoot from the three-point line since it is close in distance compared to the key shot and is worth more points.

Top of the Key Origin

The top of the key didn’t always play a role in basketball. In fact, “the paint” was only six feet wide originally. It only switched to 12 feet in 1951, just before the 51-52 season started. This was done after dominant centers (or big men) started filling the lane, making scoring many points with no regulations easy.

Thirteen seasons later, the width was again increased, this time to 16 feet, with even larger players, like Bill Russel, taking over the court. Extending the line made things fair, providing proper space to move toward the basketball hoop.

Final Thoughts

The top of the key in basketball is an important, painted spot found directly underneath the hoop on both sides. If it were not for this free throw space, the game as we know it today wouldn’t be nearly as fair or fun to watch


Why is it called the top of the key?

This spot is called the top of the key because of the original version’s shape. Originally this space was a small rectangle on the court, making it look like two keyholes on each side because of the semicircle’s size.

How many points can you get shooting from the top of the key?

Taking a regular shot attempt from the top of the key will result in two points. However, if a player is fouled during the throw and the shot attempt is successful, another free throw is awarded, and it can result in three points total.

Can you stand inside the key to take a free throw shot?

No. All shots must be made outside of the key in a free throw. However, you can take a shot inside the key, but players must be careful not to stay in this space for too long. At the three-second mark, players are penalized.

Is it a good idea to shoot at the top of the key?

Many good shots can be made from the top of the key. However, since the introduction of the 3-point corner shot, not many players have utilized this spot anymore. Moving forward and obtaining an additional point makes more sense.

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